Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy provides information about the cookies that Matro (also referred to as: Matro or “we” and "us") uses on the website (hereinafter: the Website) and for which purpose these cookies are used.

What are cookies?

Cookies are little pieces of (textual) information we send to your browser that are stored on the hard drive or memory of your computer, tablet or mobile phone (from now on: "Device"). The cookies placed on your device cannot cause damage to your saved files. When we use the term 'cookies' we also refer to similar information collecting techniques such as ​device fingerprinting.​

Which Cookies does Matro use?

Functional cookies

Matro uses functional cookies. These cookies are necessary to deliver the services and functionalities that you expect from our Website. Functional cookies store information about your login activity so that your information may be saved the next time you visit our website.

Analytics cookies

Matro uses analytics services to collect statistics about the use and performance of the Website. The analytics service analyzes this information and sends the results back to Matro. Using this information, Matro gains insight into how its users interact with the Website. Matro can make changes to the Website and its services if necessary. Matro may provide this information to third parties if legally required.

We have set up our analytics services with your privacy in mind. We have taken the following measures to ensure your privacy and the safety of your data:

  1. We have concluded a data processor agreement with the analytics services provider.
  2. We have instructed the analytics services provider not to use the data for other purposes.
  3. The IP address of the user is partially encrypted.

Affiliate cookies

Matro uses affiliate marketing cookies. If you have come to our Website through one of our affiliates, it may be that the affiliate receives compensation from us. The affiliate cookies enable us to determine which affiliate has directed you to our Website.

Social Media Plug-ins

The Website provides the option to access to various social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. With the help of these social media plugins, you can share and recommend information on the website with others. Third parties (the social media sites) may place cookies on your Device. These may be cookies that aim to optimize your user experience, but you may also place tracking cookies that are used to track your surfing behavior across multiple websites and build up a profile of your surfing behavior.

Tracking cookies

Matro uses third-party cookies on the Website that can offer you personalized offers based on your surfing habits.

Through the website, a cookie is placed on your device with a unique number. This cookie makes it possible to recognize your device when you visit another website after a visit to our website, which is part of the same ad network. Tracking cookies make it possible for Matro to show you ads on that other website.

The data collected in this way will only be used by Matro to enable you to display our advertisements on other websites and will not link to other files.

Deleting cookies

You can always withdraw the consent you have given to Matro to place cookies by setting your browser so that it does not accept cookies or by removing all cookies already placed in your browser. Use the help function of your browser to see how you can delete the cookies.

Please keep in mind that the removal of cookies may result in certain parts of the Website not working or working properly.

Refusing and removing cookies only affects the computer and browser on which you perform this operation. If you use multiple computers or browsers, you must repeat the operation(s) mentioned above for each computer or browser.

Privacy Policy

It is possible that the information collected using a cookie contains personal data. If that is the case, the Privacy Policy of Matro Truck Accessoires also applies to the processing of this personal data. You can find the Privacy Policy on the Website.

Changes or updates

This Cookie Policy is subject to change. We shall communicate any changes to this Cookie Policy via the Website.


If you have any questions regarding this Cookie Policy, please send an email to